World Famous Astro Numero Graphologist – Dr Md Dawood

Famous Astrologer in Hyderabad

Power of name and signature
When you go to a temple, you carry flowers and fruits to offer them to the Deity. They are just flowers and fruits. After the purohit offered them to the Deity, they become Prasadam a sacred material. This is because of the reason that the power of the Deity enters into the flowers and fruits and become Pradadam.
Likewise, when a child is born we give a name to the child. It is just a name. If you go to a Numerologist, he will scrutiny the date of birth, time of birth according to the rules of numerology and astrology and suggests a name which gives tremendous power to the child. This is because of the reason that the vibrations of the numbers of the letters give power to the name.
Numerologist is the Purohith who makes the ordinary name into a Mantra.
Signature is also most important for the development of any person. Signature is like identity card of the person. A signature suggested by a Graphologist, unlocks the potential of the person. It is a key to the success. Correct signature has bearing on many walks of human lives
It paves the way for good human relations.
It increases the monetary savings
It gives financial prudence
It improves the health
It gives the wisdom of taking good decisions for the development of the person.
Signature is a part in Graphotherapy.
It changes the mindset of the person and leads him towards development.
Proper hand writing in accordance with Graphology is a boon to the person.
It is highly recommend to consult a persons who is proficient in numerology astrology and graphology for a beneficial name correction, signature analysis.
Name and signature in accordance with these occult sciences, paves your way towards success good health and wealth.
Dr Mohammed Dawood.
World famous Astro Numero Graphologist
9985038135, 9494107755, 9346968888

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